Experience the Best Online Poker in New Jersey

Since being legalized in 2013, online casinos in New Jersey have gone from strength to strength. We want to help you make the most of this great gambling environment, and provide you with reviews of the best establishments that are legitimately run from servers based in Atlantic City. Many of the sites that we showcase offer Poker, which is undoubtedly the most popular card game in the world. Its combination of game theory, psychology and chance is totally irresistible, and you will soon find yourself under the game’s spell. To make sure you get the most from your online games, check out our basic game guidelines here.

You will be dealt five cards at the beginning of each round. After you have looked at yours you will need to take an action based on how well you think it will fare compared to the other players’ hands. If no bet has been made you can Check, where you stay in the game without placing a wager. If a bet has already been placed you will need to Match or Raise it, or to Fold and forfeit your hand. The bets are all placed in a central pool which is given to the winner at the end of the round.

All hands are revealed at the end of the round, and are ordered according to a strict system of hand rankings. These are listed from best to worst below

  • Royal Flush: Ten to Ace cards of the same suit
  • Straight Flush: Five cards of one suit in sequence
  • Four of a Kind: Four same-ranked cards plus one other
  • Full House: two same-ranked cards and three of another, like 2-2-J-J-J
  • Straight: five cards in sequence of different suits
  • Three of a Kind: three same-ranked cards with two unmatched others
  • Two Pair: two card pair of the same rank and one other card
  • One Pair: one card pair of the same rank with three unmatched others
  • High Card: the lowest viable hand, with five unmatched cards. It is named for its highest card, so a 4-7-9-10-Q combination is a Queen High

The way that every player influences everything else is the real intrigue of the game. You need to watch your peers for clues called tells about their own hands, try not to give anything of yourself away, and make your bets according to each situation. The truly talented players are the ones who can win rounds by observing others and making savvy bets, even if others hold much better cards.

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Remote Poker Playing

Playing Poker at the online rooms in New Jersey is quite a different matter to playing in land-based rooms. The physical tells that are traditionally used can’t be observed, but there are many digital clues like playing speed and developing your ability to read these is a very enjoyable challenge. There are many great applications to help you develop your strategy in specific ways such as highlighting frequent mistakes, and most of the great New Jersey online casino Poker sites we review also provide helpful guides. You can even play for free with no deposit, giving you essential practice time.

Enjoy Poker Online in New Jersey

Now that you are familiar with the basics of the legend, you can begin your own online Poker adventure. Read our reviews and start your journey today!